This privacy policy describes the personal data collected when interacting with the Halberd Studios website. This policy describes the types of personal data collected and how it is used, shared, and protected. It also explains your choices regarding your personal data and how you can contact us.

In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, LFPDPPP) and its Regulations, hereinafter, the “Data Law”, as well as in accordance with the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación on January 17, 2013, the following is informed:

WHO is responsible for the processing of your Personal Data?



MALVAS 1250, Col. Jacarandas. CP: 45160 - ZAPOPAN - JALISCO - MÉXICO

In this privacy policy, the terms “Halberd Studios”, “our” or “we” refer to the applicable HALBERD STUDIOS S.A.P.I. DE C.V.

WHAT Personal Data Do We Collect and WHEN?

To provide you with the services you request, we will ask you for certain personal information. This personal data includes:

Contact information: email.


We comply with local laws and do not allow children to register on our website when they do not reach the minimum legal age required in the country in which they reside.

WHY and HOW do we use (process) Your Personal Data?

Your personal data that we collect is used as follows:

To Communicate Information about our Products, Services, and Other Promotional Objectives

When you provide your consent, we will send you marketing communications and news about Halberd Studios products, services, and other information that may be of interest to you. You can unsubscribe at any time after you have given your consent.

Legal Foundations

To process your personal data, we rely on certain legal bases and applicable laws, such as the Data Law (LFPDPPP).

We also rely on other legal bases, such as our legitimate interests as a business, to comply with a legal obligation or to protect your vital interests.

EXCHANGE of Your Personal Data

Halberd Studios shares your personal data with:

* Service providers that process personal data on behalf of Halberd Studios, e.g., to distribute emails, research and analysis, and manage any digital communication. When we use suppliers' services, we require these service providers and other third parties to comply with strict rules when processing your personal information, including using your personal data only in accordance with the instructions of Halberd Studios and the Est´Data Law (LFPDPPP)

PROTECTION and MANAGEMENT of your Personal Data


We use various technical and organizational security measures, including authentication tools, to secure your personal data.

Conservation of your data

Your personal information will be retained for as long as necessary to carry out the purposes set out in this privacy policy (unless a more extended retention period is required by applicable law).

YOUR RIGHTS related to your personal data

You have the right to request: (i) access to your personal data; (ii) a copy in electronic format of your personal data (portability) and the sending of this data to another company; (iii) the correction of your personal data if it is inaccurate; or (iv) the deletion or restriction of your personal data in some instances contemplated by law. These rights are not absolute. Where we have obtained your consent to process your personal data, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. You may not be able to take full advantage of our services if you do not agree to the processing of your personal data.

To request a copy of your personal data or exercise any of your other rights, please send an email to privacy@halberdstudios.com

CHANGES to our Privacy Policy

Applicable law and our practices change over time. We will post changes on our website if we update our policy. If we materially change how we process personal data, we will provide you with prior notice or, where legally necessary, obtain your consent before making such changes. We strongly encourage you to read our policy and stay informed of our practices. This policy was last modified on SEPTEMBER 28, 2023.

QUESTIONS and Comments

We welcome questions, comments, and concerns about our privacy policy and practices. If you wish to send us your comments, questions, or concerns, or if you wish to exercise your rights related to your personal data, please send an email to privacy@halberdstudios.com

The contact information for our office: Halberd Studios Offices, Malvas 1250, Col. Jacarandas. CP: 45160, Zapopan, Jalisco, México; or you can also email us at hi@halberdstudios.com